
Up On Mystery Creek, there’s a fight brewin ’. Mr. Moneybags has quietly been buyin’ up people’s spreads all over Austin. Just like in the days of old, the new Cyber Barons are turning the landscape into their personal playground. This time around;  Instead of cows and oil wells, It’s skyscrapers and (straight-up-and-down, ram-‘em-in-there-anywhere-you-can) apartment buildings. Now, as then; Old Moneybags (with way more money than any of us will see in our entire lifetimes) has outsized power and influence with our the authorities. These deep pocketed individuals have convinced our elected officials of the inevitability of their schemes and have co-opted the public’s will. Especially, it’s treatment of our local communities and regarding treatment of the Land; and who and what has the Rights to that most crucial element of Central Texas life: WATER. Mystery Creek (and her two sister creeks) are part of an ephemeral stream network that has been a part of the Williamson Creek Watersh...